
Finance options are available for select treatments. Please contact the practice team for further information.

Dermatologist prices - image at the top of the page of a mixed race woman touching her face

Surgical procedures

Please note that additional fees may be charged by the hospital for use of facilities and processing of specimens by the laboratory.

Accepted insurers

Dermatologist prices - Cigna insurance logo
Dermatologist prices - AXA insurance logo
Dermatologist prices - Allianz insurance logo
Dermatologist prices - WPA insurance logo
Dermatologist prices - Healix insurance logo
Dermatologist pricrs - Vitality insurance logo
Dermatologist prices - Aviva insurance logo

Book an appointment

Contact the client services team to inquire about services or book an appointment.

Dr Phillips is proud to offer mole mapping with the VECTRA WB360, the most advanced form of mole mapping available in the UK. The VECTRA WB360 provides whole body 3D imaging, capturing the entire skin surface allowing pigmented lesions to be accurately mapped and monitored. Pricing starts from £495 includes: consultation, mole mapping and electronic delivery of mole mapping report.